Under the patronage and presence of Mrs. Asmaa Assad, the Special Olympics torch was launched yesterday evening, marking the launch of the seventh regional conference for the Middle East and North Africa region hosted by Syria with the participation of 23 countries including Arab countries and Iran.


The opening ceremony began with the entry of the Syrian flag, the Special Olympics and the Regional Olympiad, followed by the participating delegations in alphabetical order, in conjunction with a short film about the history of special Olympics for each country.


During the passing of the Syrian national team, a documentary film entitled “The Story of the Success of the Syrian Special Olympics” was presented. The national flag was then raised on the mast and the Syrian Arab Army Music Ensemble played the national anthem.


Then one of the participating children raised the flag of the regional Olympiad and the athletes, referees and trainers led the Olympic Games.

The national director of the Syrian Special Olympics, Anwar Abdul Hay, announced the start of the seventh regional Games of the Special Olympics, and the participants chanted the Olympic song with some of the songs.


And then presented the band Anana for the dance theater, the art show dream reality with the participation of 1200 dancers and a participant of the Olympics, which included twelve plates, banners, athletics, bicycles, swimming, equestrian, gymnastics and birds to begin with the story of the story of the presentation, which embodies the life of former Syrian sports hero Hussein Deeb to return the story to the stadium days But this time with the participation of his son in the Olympics Ali, who has a mental disability where he was showing footage of his sporting career in tournaments.

In the eighth panel titled “Nationalism”, a group of people with intellectual disabilities enter the field to participate in this painting to be the first time in the history of the opening ceremonies of the Olympic Games in which the handicapped participate with the entry of the torch of the Olympics to the field which was launched from the mountain of Qaseon carried by Alaa Zibek and handed to The player Ali Deeb and lead them together to the boiler to begin the flight of the torch and then the panel ignited the boiler, where everyone repeats again with some everything Beiser to conclude the national painting and fireworks in the sky.


The torch relay of the seventh regional Games began from Mount Qasion in the hands of the Syrian Special Olympics champions, accompanied by a number of sports and art stars in Syria, passing through the Umayyad Square to reach the Tishreen Stadium.

For two hours, the Tishreen stadium was full of joy and love. The players were heroes, nagoma and joy makers. They were filled with joy in the mass crowd that filled the stadiums. In the sky, the fireworks ended with the light of the Olympic moon to shine the night of Damascus in the hope of the Olympics.

The inauguration ceremony was attended by a number of officials and ministers of the State, the Director General of the Special Olympics Special Olympics, the Regional Director of the Special Olympics for the Middle East and North Africa, the Syrian Olympic Committee, a number of Special Olympic Officials in the Arab countries and a group of ambassadors accredited to Syria. Invited guests and parents and captured players.

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